How to Self Screen for underlying Cardiomyopathy
Below is a suggestion of information from the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Association that should be obtained about each student athlete prior to participation in order to prevent SCD and discover underlying Cardiomyopathy.
"Medical history
Personal history
1. Chest pain/discomfort after exertion
2. Unexplained syncope/near-syncope
3. Excessive and unexplained shortness of breath/fatigue, associated with physical activity
4. Prior recognition of a heart murmur
5. Elevated systemic blood pressure
Family history
6. Premature death (sudden and unexpected) before age 50 years due to heart disease, in any relative/s
7. Disability from heart disease in a close relative <50 years of age
8. Specific knowledge of certain cardiac conditions in family members: hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy, long-QT syndrome or other ion channelopathies, Marfan syndrome, or clinically important arrhythmias
Physical examination
9. Heart murmur
10. Femoral pulses to exclude aortic coarctation
11. Physical stigmata of Marfan syndrome
12. Brachial artery blood pressure (sitting position)
**Official Cardiovascular screening should include ECG, echocardiogram, possible stress test, possible cardiac MRI and follow up plan as needed. In the opinion of the HCMA, these tests should be conducted by a cardiac professional, not a general practitioner or pediatrician."
“Athletic Preparticipation Screening Guidelines.” HCMA,